Challenges and Opportunities in the Argentine Labor Market
06, JanuaryThe Argentine labor market faces structural issues that need to be addressed. The most significant challenges are rigidity, high informality, and low workforce participation. ...
According to a survey conducted by Worknmates in the region, your pet is not ready for you to work away from it and ...
According to a survey conducted by Worknmates in the region, your pet is not ready for you to work away from it and in these pet-friendly coworking spaces you can work with your best friend close to you.
Many of us did not know what it was like to work with our pets before the pandemic and, after it, now there are more of us who love to have our pets close to us during working hours. Getting back to work without them is difficult for some, but it doesn’t necessarily have to happen thanks to petfriendly coworking.
“Spending too much time too close to a project, problem or other work can inhibit productivity and cause unnecessary stress. Pets remind people to stop and step away from whatever they are doing.”
So explains the University of Southern California, an institution that conducts research on the impact of pets on employers, employees and coworkers. According to the University, pets “make them happier, reduce stress levels and create a comfortable and flexible environment (…) They can create camaraderie in the workplace and trigger interactions that might not have happened without them”.
Hence the individual and corporate importance of considering allowing pets in the workplace, a decision that companies such as Etsy, Uber and Amazon implemented several years ago.
And for those who enjoy the freedom to choose where to work, accompanying their workday with their pets continues to be an option in coworkings and petfriendly workspaces. Discover below 5 spaces where you can go to work with your pet:
1. Selina – Bogota, Colombia
Selina Bogotá, in Chapinero, is a spacious, petfriendly space with the connectivity and privacy you need for your day. Close to transmilenio stations and restaurants and food options, this option to work with your pet is close to the airport, has free parking and is comfortable and warm.
2. Ronda – Buenos Aires Argentina
With two coworking spaces in Argentina, in Recoleta and Belgrano, this cozy space gives you the option to go with your pet and enjoy flexible spaces, dining rooms, meeting rooms and an incredible patio in their company.
3. Seed Space – Mexico City, Mexico
The five coworking spaces of Seed Space in Mexico City make going to work with your pet always a new adventure, as they can change places as much as they want. And as an ideal factor, they have a spectacular terrace where you can take a break with your furry friend.
4. Worx – Lima, Peru
Once a month, this innovative coworking space holds a special event for your best friend, to which companies, entrepreneurs and freelancers are more than welcome to attend with their pets. Its ample spaces make this coworking an ideal place to go to work with the one you love the most.
5. Blocktime – Sao Paulo, Brazil
Its three coworking options in Sao Paulo allow creative professionals, those who have little time and those who need something more formal to go to work with their pets. Plus, you find in their Express option Acaí and coffee for your break with your best friend.
Source: Worknmate