The most relevant takeaways for Latin America from #WEC2022Brussels

By Martín Padulla for staffingamericalatina Finally, we met again. The World Employment Conference post pandemic took place in beautiful Brussels and we were able to see each other after many virtual meetings. And obviously the pandemic was omnipresent in the topics that were developed since it left us with a significant gap between the expectations […]

Post-pandemic societies: time for the Metaverse?

By Martin Padulla for staffingamericalatina It is normal to be a bit lost in times of paradigm transition. The future seems to be developing at an unprecedented speed while ...

This is not a talent shortage

By Martin Padulla for staffingamericalatina It could be the title of a series of paintings by the surrealist painter Rene Magritte. In the painting that illustrates this ...


The most global phenomenon in human history has generated a generational category, the pandemials. This category should be expanded to take advantage of the opportunities ...

Let’s talk about time and work in pandemics

By Martin Padulla for staffingamericalatina The relationship between time and work has been widely discussed for many years. Two centuries ago, the Industrial Revolution, in ...

Latin America’s algorithm

By Martin Padulla* for staffingamericalatina If you are reading this, perhaps at some point you are thinking along similar lines. You probably feel that some of what follows ...