Quality matters. Working collectively to uphold industry standards.

By Denis Pennel, Managing Director, World Employment Confederation   A generous salary for just a few hours of work… some job offers sound too good to be true. And if you’re asked for some upfront payment to get that job, you can be sure that it is a scam! For several months, reports have shown […]

They can’t see it!

In Argentina, during the first seventy days of this year, a phrase composed in Spanish of three words has been heard a lot. The phrase has a great impact despite comprising ...


Es la única plataforma colaborativa especializada en el futuro de la educación y el trabajo en América Latina.

Genera y difunde contenidos, investigaciones y desarrollos sobre temáticas como Empleabilidad, Empleo Juvenil, Formación para el Empleo, Trabajo Decente, Agencias Privadas de Empleo, Políticas activas de Empleo, Teletrabajo, Articulación Público-Privadas de acciones tendientes a la generación de Trabajo Decente, Empleos Verdes y Responsabilidad Social Empresaria.